Meditation Chimes

Get your meditation chime MP3s here! 45 minutes long each. Here are some details and descriptions of our routine at the center:

  • Loud chime sound means exhale. Soft chime sound means inhale.
  • First 7-8 minutes, focus on finding your center in the 2 polarities (Upper and Lower Dan Tian) and keeping energy in your center.
  • Next 7-8 minutes (signalled by a double-chime sound), focus on bringing energy down to Lower Dan Tian for Embryonic Breathing.
  • Next 20 minutes (signalled by triple-chime sound), focus on Grand Circulation. When you inhale, bring in the energy of the world as far as you can through the Baihui. When you exhale, push it down and outwards in all directions to expand the Girdle Vessel as far as possible.
  • Last 10 minutes (signalled by another double-chime sound), free training to practice whatever you like.
  • Recovery exercises afterwards

Here are different versions so that you can gradually train your body to breathe deeper.