A Rabbit And A DogMedia Media MediaMy KungFu DiaryLight Bulb.The Corner Of CourageIl "Lottatore da strada" vs L'Artista marziale
Find the topic/subtopic you want for this seminar/lesson by clicking on one or more of the topic headings below. Type it into the space below where it says "Topic Selection". Note that different topics require different number of instruction hours. In order to learn effectively, we recommend learning in small amounts across multiple sessions.
Please type in your topic/subtopic selection.
For unlisted topics, you can use this space to fill in your topic suggestions, along with desired instructors, if any.
A "host" is defined as a person or persons organizing this YMAA Live! session. Each host should be in a separate location. During the session, each host will connect simultaneously to the YMAA Live! session in a teleconferencing video call. There is no limit to the number of attendees at each host location, so it is in the host's best interest to get as many as possible.
NOTE: Instructor rates are subject to change. YMAA School Directors will receive a discount. If more than one party is hosting this seminar/lesson, the YMAA discount only applies if all parties are YMAA School Directors.
NOTE: Not all topics are taught by all instructors. We will inform you of the most appropriate instructor based on your topic selection if we cannot meet your request.